Tuesday, September 26, 2006

CueCard 1.5

My grandson is 9 and in 4th grade. He has been struggling in school. A lot of testing has been done questioning ADHD, Aspberger's, anxiety disorder. He is very bright but clearly has some sort of communication disorder. His comprehension is good, but he has to work very hard to communicate his thoughts effectively. There are ongoing consults, his school principal and staff are very interested in helping him, and I wanted to try some Assistive Technology supports in the meantime. He has not been able to recall his multiplication tables this year, so I tried a free program, CueCard 1.5.

I typed in the entire multiplication table, 1-12. You enter each question and answer and the question pops up just like a flash card. He comes up with his best answer, then checks to see if he was correct. He clicks a button for correct or incorrect, then goes to the next question. He can study as many facts at a time as he feels comfortable with. The program tracks his success and only adds new cards when he has mastered the current facts.

His reaction was astounding. Like many children in this age, he is drawn to electronic forms of stimulation. Once he got the hang of it, we couldn't stop him & he was remembering those math facts!

CueCard can be used for any subject. Check this excellent freebie out for your students.

CueCard 1.5 Download Site

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